ICSE Grammar Prepositions Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (answers below)
1. Jacqueline Sharma was born ___ the 11th ___ June 1980.
2. She baked her first cake, a red velvet, ___ August 1996.
3. ___ 1997, she founded the Great Shake and Bake Company.
4. The process ___ flour free baking ___ cakes was developed ___ her ___ 2013.
5. These cakes could be baked ___ just 27 minutes.
6. By 2015, 3 thousand flour free cakes had been baked ___ the Great Shake and Bake Company.
7. She became one ___ the most famous bakers ___ the world.
8. However somewhere ___ 2016 and 2017, her world came crashing down.
9. It was revealed that she slipped ___ flour ___ all her cakes just before putting them ___ the oven.
10. The ensuing scandal swallowed ___ her business.
11. She was forced to declare bankruptcy ___ unpaid legal bills.

If you want more exercises like this, then get the following books.
(Click the names of the books to take you directly to Amazon)

1. Wren & Martin: High School English Grammar and Composition Book (Regular Edition)
2. Thompson & Martinet: Practical English Grammar


  1. on, of
  2. in
  3. In
  4. of, of, by, in
  5. in
  6. by
  7. of, in
  8. between
  9. in, in, in
  10. up
  11. over

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